The cuisine of Palakkad shares a close bond with the tastes and flavours of Tamil Nadu. Chintamani paniyaram is a nutritious snack that has the goodness of grains and pulses. This is paired with spicy and tangy tomato chutney. Here is the recipe for chintamani paniyaram.

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½ glass ponni rice
½ glass idli rice
½ glass raw rice
½ glass yellow split dal
½ glass urad dal
½ glass toor dal or masoor dal
3 dried chillies
1¼ tsp salt
Coriander leaves
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp mustard seeds
7-8 shallots 
4 green chillies

Soak the ponni rice, idli rice, raw rice, yellow split dal, urad dal and toor dal over night
Blend these soaked rice and pulses and dried chillies in a mixer jar
Add salt into the batter 
Keep the batter aside for at least 6 hours for it to rise
Heat coconut oil in a pan and splutter mustard seeds
Sauté shallots and green chillies
Add this tempering along with some coriander leaves into the risen batter
Mix well
Heat an unniyappam pan and add 1 tbsp sesame oil into each hole
Pour a tbsp full of batter into these holes
Cook for 2 minutes by flipping the paniyaram
Tasty chintamani paniyaram could be enjoyed as a filling breakfast or an evening snack.

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