These cute buns made with wheat flour and milk can be enjoyed as a filling snack with tea or coffee. Here is how you could easily make these super soft and delicious buns.

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1 egg
½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
3 tbsp powdered sugar
½ tsp cardamom powder
3 tbsp milk powder
1 cup wheat flour
2-3 tsp milk
1 tsp ghee
½ cup sugar
1 cup water

Prepare the sugar syrup by boiling water with sugar
In a bowl add the egg, baking powder, salt, powdered sugar, cardamom powder and milk powder
Add the wheat flour as well
Mix everything into soft dough by adding milk as required
Make balls and roll into thick sheets
Cut rectangular pieces from these sheets
Deep fry these cakes in hot oil
Add the fried cakes into hot sugar syrup
Soak the cakes in the sugar syrup for at least 10-20 minutes.

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