Traditional recipe of 'pazhampori' or Kerala's favourite banana fritter is already vegan but this one is flavoured with fennel, adding a unique flavour.

Substituting maida with wheat flour and sugar with jaggery, this version of pazhampori is also relatively healthy.


200 gm (1 cup) wheat flour
100 gm bananas
80 gm (less than ½ cup) jaggery
1 tsp fennel seed
1 cup milk/wate
Oil or Ghee to fry

Filter flour in a utensil using a strainer
Put jaggery in water and dissolve it
Sift flour in this sweet water and add sliced ripened bananas
The mixture for fritters has to be thick
Cover the mix and keep in cool dry place overnight allowing the flour to ferment
Now whisk this mix properly
Add Fennel seeds
Pour oil in a pan and heat
When oil is sufficiently heated then take one slice at a time and put it in hot oil and fry till golden brown
Enjoy with tea.

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