A great alternative for rice and jaggery sweet dumplings that are popular in Kerala, the millet unniyappam is worth a try when you want to whip up a variant that is just as tasty.

½ cup thina (foxtail millet)
½ cup par boiled rice
¼ cup urad dal/black gram
¾ cup jaggery
3 tbsp grated coconut
½ tsp cardamom powder
Salt, a pinch
Ghee or oil for deep frying

Soak the millet for two hours
Soak the black gram and rice together for two hours
Grind the millet, rice, and black gram together
Add jaggery, coconut and salt. Keep the batter aside for two hours
After two hours, prepare unniyappams in the traditional appam maker with ghee or oil
Cook the unniyappams in medium flame till they become golden brown

(The author is a food blogger who blogs @www.hottavasandovens.blogspot.in)

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