A video in which a vlogger tries a spicy chip is becoming viral on the social media. A single piece of this ‘deadly’ chip named Jolochip, which is garnished with the spiciest chilli pepper, cost Rs 199.

The vlogger has apparently purchased it online especially for this challenge. Interestingly, there are enough warnings on the pack itself. It dares you to go to hell and be back. However, the vlogger who ate the single chip clearly went through hell as it is quite evident from his agonizing facial expressions. He advices his viewers not to try this chip at all as the spice is really hard hitting and burns your entire body.


It is instructed on the pack that one should keep cold milk and ice cream ready before eating the chip. The vlogger too had kept everything ready before he began the challenge. However, it took more than half an hour for him to be normal.