Director Leo Thaddeus WhatsApp status reads thus—“It doesn’t take much time to change your time.” And that time is now for Leo. His latest film ‘Panthrandu’ which talks about a man who tries to change the world with his ideas and goodwill is getting heaps of critical acclaim now.

What is Panthrandu?

Instead of seeing it as Christ’s 12 disciples, I saw 12 as humanity’s smallest unit. It is an ideal number. I am bringing that number to a coastal region. For an outsider, this is a gangster movie that talks about the story of two brothers. But there are more layers to this story. Immanuel is introduced through the stories of Andrew (Vinayakan) and Pathrose (Shine Tom Chacko). The magic happens through these brothers. In one word this is a film that travels through Andrew’s soul.


How long did it take you to finish the script?

I invested my life into this script. It is a script I gathered from various experiences in my life. I haven’t used a single word from the bible to write dialogue in this film. But I wanted to make sure the dialogues reflected the gist of biblical verses. This is a mystical action drama. Some miracles are happening in this film. But if I say the reason you won't find it mystical.

Why Vinayakan?


This film won't happen without Vinayakan. He has given a nuanced performance. We knew each other long before. He will give exactly what you expect. He would always ask me to narrate the soul of a scene. We have been in talks for over 12 years for this film.

What next? And audience reaction?

We even cleansed our thoughts before starting this film. I wanted to see the results on the screen. I am planning a mainstream film next. Currently writing the script. 

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