Superstar Nayanthara who is spending her vacation with director-husband Vignesh Shivan and kids in Greece went the extra mile and got her ear pierced during the trip. The video of the actor looking both excited and nervous about the ear piercing has gone viral, especially since it is different from most of the videos she has posted so far.
One person commented: All these years was waiting for you to come social media to see this kind off screen life (sic). The actor, who wore her hair in a tight braid, looked undeniably lovely in the video. When asked if she was ready to get her ear pierced, she replied, “I am born ready.”

Nayanthara had also shared a couple of photos from her trip in Greece recently. Her photos and videos with her two-year-old sons Uyir and Ulag were a huge hit on social media, with people praising the power couple for spending quality time with their children. Nayanthara who was last seen in the Netflix film 'Annapoorani' has signed up for several Malayalam films in the coming months.