Jr NTR, along with his wife Lakshmi Pranathi and two kids Abhay and Bhargav, had to abruptly cut short their vacation in Japan due to a series of earthquakes. The actor, who was in Japan to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Eve with his family, decided to leave the country immediately in the wake of about 155 earthquakes that resulted in tragic fatalities.

Taking to social media upon his return to India, Jr NTR shared his deep shock and concern for those affected by the earthquakes in Japan. He expressed gratitude for the resilience of the people and hoped for a swift recovery. He wrote, "Back home today from Japan and deeply shocked by the earthquakes hitting. Spent the entire last week there, and my heart goes out to everyone affected. Grateful for the resilience of the people and hoping for a swift recovery. Stay strong, Japan."


This update brought relief to the fans who were anxiously following the actor's well-being. Expressing gratitude, one fan commented, "Thank God You are safe home anna...our prayers are with those who are affected, Stay Strong Japan."

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