Nazriya Fahadh has shared a rare picture of the Fazil family on her social media page. Veteran director Fazil and his wife Rozina who are seated can be seen posing for the photo. They are accompanied by their sons – Fahadh, Farhaan and two daughters – Fathima and Ahmeda Fazil, who can be seen along with their families.

The photo has captured netizens hearts with many sharing their thoughts about the picture. Fahadh Faazil, who was last seen in the Tamil thriller 'Maamannan', can be seen posing happily for the family photo. Nazriya looks vibrant as usual, and is dressed in a pastel blue salwar suit. Director Faazil and Rozina also look picture perfect and content in the photos. “There is a middle-class vibe in this family photo. So precious,” wrote one person. Others were quick to note how happy and beautiful the entire family looked together.


Nazriya who was last seen in the Telugu romantic comedy 'Ante Sundaraniki' often shares updates about her family and friends on social media. Though Nazriya has delivered several hits in the past decade, she is taking up very few projects these days.

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