Tamil actor and filmmaker R Parthiban got emotional while speaking about Vijay Antony's daughter Meera, who died of suicide on Tuesday. The actor said he has been closely associated with Vijay's family for years and maintained that Meera was a bold girl who was also very active in school.

“Both Vijay Antony and his wife are my close friends. They are such nice people. Meera was a smart kid at school. However, we don't know the depth of pain she might have bottled up within her. If she had opened up with her parents, this cruel fate would not have happened. We need to ensure no other child undergoes the same fate,” he said.

According to him, schools should admit fewer students so that every child gets individual attention from their teachers. “Schools are a good place to interact with friends. We need to equip each child to be strong mentally. We also need to teach them how to deal with exam stress and also tell them that life is a joy to live,” he said, adding he can't fathom the pain of losing a child. “I am praying that Vijay Antony and his wife Fathima have the strength to deal with this cruel loss. It's hard enough for a parent when his or her child leaves the house for marriage. This is too cruel,” he said.

Vijay Antony's daughter Meera was found dead at the actor's residence in Chennai on Tuesday morning. The police suspect it to be case of suicide.