The film 'Nadikar Thilakam' featuring Tovino Thomas has gone on the floors. The film marks the first-time collaboration of actor Tovino with Lal Jr. Tovino, who was busy shooting for 'Ajayante Randam Moshanam', joined the set of 'Nadikar Thilakam' on Tuesday. He is touted to play Superstar David Padickal in the film.

Lal Jr’s last film was a rom-com ‘Tsunami’ in 2021. 'Nadikar Thilakam' is produced by Godspeed helmed by Alan Antony and Anoop Venugopal. Y Naveen and Y Ravi Shankar of Maitri Movie Makers, who produced many popular films including ‘Pushpa - The Rise’ Part 1, are also part of the film. This is their first Malayalam collaboration. With a budget of Rs 40 crores, the film, which will be shot for 120 days in various locations, is also the costliest film in Malayalam in recent times.


The film revolves around David Padickal, who is facing some rough weather in life after ruling the marquee for the last seven years. Soubin and Tovino will also be sharing screenspace in the film for the first tim.

Bhavana plays the female lead which also stars, Dhyan Sreenivasan, Anoop Menon, Shine Tom Chacko, Aju Varghese, Sreenath Bhasi, Lal, Balu Varghese, Suresh Krishna, Indrans, Madhupal, Ganapathy, Altaf Salim, Manikuttan, Sreejith Ravi, Sanju Sivaram, Arjun, Veena Nandakumar, Nandakumar, Khalid Rahman, Pramod Veliyanad, Idavela Babu, Baiju Kuttan, Arun Kurien, Shaun Xavier, Rajith (of Bigg Boss fame) screenwriter Bipin Chandran, Mala Parvathy, Devika Gopal Nair, Aradhya, Akhil Kannappan, Khayas Muhammad and Jazeer Muhammad.


Suvin S Somasekar has done the screenplay, Alby is handling the camera and Ratheesh Raj is the editor. Music is by Yaxan Gary Pereira and Neha S Nair, while Prashant Madhav is the art director.

Other credits include Nithin Micheal (Chief Associate), Manoj Karanthoor (Production Controller), Dan Jose (Audiography), Ekta Bhattethu (Costume design) and RG Wayanadan (Makeup), Arun Varma Thampuran (Sound Design), Meraki VFX (Visual Effects), VV Charlie (Still Photography), Heston Lino (Publicity Design), Anoop Sundaran (Digital Marketing).