James Cameron, the acclaimed director of the iconic film 'Titanic,' acknowledges the striking similarities between the tragic events of the Titanic ship and the Titan submarine. He aims to draw attention to the disregard for basic safety protocols in both instances. The disaster on the Titanic occurred due to the ship's acceleration and disregard for iceberg warnings. Similarly, the Titan submarine disaster unfolded as warnings were ignored.

Cameron reveals that numerous individuals in the region had alerted Ocean Gate to the safety concerns associated with taking passengers into the deep sea. Upon learning that the submarine had lost all communication, he immediately sensed that a catastrophic event had likely transpired.

Within an hour of the Titan's disappearance, confirmation arrived of a massive explosion originating from the depths of the sea. As soon as Cameron heard the resounding blast through the hydrophone, he comprehended the nature of the incident. The risk of vessels collapsing under overpressure consistently occupies the minds of engineers. He discloses that this nightmare has haunted him ever since he ventured into the realm of ocean exploration (oceanography).