Encountering celebrities like Shah Rukh Khan or visiting his mansion, Mannat is a rare occurrence. However, model Navpreet Kaur recently had the opportunity to meet 'King Khan' at his residence. According to Navpreet, Shah Rukh Khan "baked a pizza and that too veg because kuch punjabi veg bhi hote hain" [some Punjabis are vegetarian].

According to Navpreet, Shah Rukh Khan baked a veg pizza for her. Photo: Instagram/Navpreet Kaur
According to Navpreet, Shah Rukh Khan baked a veg pizza for her. Photo: Instagram/Navpreet Kaur

She was touched by his thoughtful gesture, and it made her "heart wanted to scream out of excitement." Navpreet also mentioned that Shah Rukh Khan is an "unbelievably warm host" who radiates warmth.

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