Actress and dancer Arya Parvathi had recently announced that she was going to become an elder sister. A photo of the dancer hugging her mother’s pregnant belly had also gone viral on social media. Arya who will be welcoming her sibling after a gap of 23 years shared her excitement with Manorama News.

“I didn’t realize the post would get so many reactions. I just can't wait to welcome my baby brother or sister to this world. I am a Guruvayurappan devotee, and we consider this a blessing from him. I always wanted a sibling when I was a child and didn’t enjoy being a single child,” she said.


She added that she finally came to terms with being a single child, when she reached college. “But the unexpected news that I am going to have a baby sister or brother made me so happy. My mother realised that she was going to be a mother again during her fifth month. She is 44 years old. She thought she had reached menopause when her periods got delayed.One day, she fainted at Guruvayoor temple. At the hospital, she found out that she was pregnant. My parents told me about this news only during her 7th month. She needed time to accept her pregnancy,” she said.

She added that her mother was looking forward to her daughter's marriage since she was 23 years old. “She was looking forward to becoming a grandmom. My mother was worried if I would be able to accept the baby. I was the one who reassured her that she did not need to have any such fears. As far as I am concerned this baby is like my firstborn. Most of my married friends are awaiting their first child.


While she was carrying me, my mother had many health issues. But thankfully this time there weren’t any such issues. There was no vomiting phase either. That’s why we came to know very late about her pregnancy. I am praying for the good health of my mother and her newborn child,” says Arya Parvathi.