The much awaited trailer of ‘Chathuram’ directed by Sidharth Bharathan is out. The movie that stars Roshan Mathew and Swasika Vijay in the lead roles is about the pain that relationships could cause in the lives of people. ‘Chathuram’ that gets released on 4 November boasts of an ensemble star cast of Shanti Balachandran, Alencier Le Lopez, Nishant Sagar, Leona Leshoy, Jafar Idukki, Geethi Sangeetha and Jilu Joseph.

Interestingly, Sidharth Bharathan would be making his directorial outing after the successful movies like 'Nidra', 'Chandrettan Evideya', 'Varnyathil Aashanka' and 'Jinn'. The movie is penned jointly by Sidharth and Sahitya Academy winner Vinoy Thomas. 'Chathuram', meanwhile is bankrolled by Vineetha Ajith, George Santiago, Jamneesh Thayyil and Sidharth Bharathan for the banners of Greenwich Entertainments and Yellow Bed Productions.


The camera is cracked by Pradeesh Varma. Meanwhile, the music is composed by Prashant Pillai. Deepu Joseph has done the editing while Vinayak Shashikumar has written the lines of the songs. Akhilraj Chirayil is the production designer of Chathuram. Stephi Xavier is the costume designer while makeup is by Abhilash M. The actions sequences are choreographed by Mafia Shashi. Vikky and Kishen (Sapta) are the sound designers while MR Rajakrishnan has handled the audiography. Manoj Karanthoor is the production controller.

Ambro Varghese is the associate director while Jithin Madhu is the still photographer of the movie. Puppet Media handles the promotion. Unni Serro is the title designer. Meanwhile, the VFX is by Digibricks. Prakash Karunanidhi is the colourist while Sajumon RD is the assistant colourist. 

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