Watch 'Rorschach' one more time for better clarity: Mammootty

The film is produced by Mammootty's production house Mammoottykampany. Photos: Special arrangement

Not only is Megastar Mammootty’s psychological thriller 'Rorschach' getting rave reviews, but the film is also turning out to be a winner at the box office. The actor who was in Dubai to take part in the success meet of the film, understandably looked pleased with the unprecedented love and appreciation he was receiving from all quarters for the film.

Produced by the actor’s production house Mammoottykampany, Mammootty while speaking to the press observed that 'Rorschach' is the kind of film that warranted a second watch for better understanding.

Just like a song grows on you with frequent listening, a film can also have the same impact with repeated viewing.

When the mystery is not intentionally created, which leads to the distraction of the viewer, the film becomes difficult to perceive. Such people who had clarity issues were ready to rewatch 'Rorschach'. Mammootty also observed that just like cinema is experimenting and exploring newer concepts, it is equally important to have an audience who is willing to accept such changes. Only then can we produce good results in cinema. 

Clearly, cinema cannot evolve without the audience's support/participation. The change shown in this film and Malayalam cinema, in general, underlines the changing tastes of the audience. It can be said that though Covid was harrowing, we also gained a lot in that period. We saw a lot of World cinema. It changed our cinema tastes and habits. We had newer perceptions and revelations. Post-Covid witnessed a new Malayalam cinema, which absorbed all these changes. Along with the rest, I also became part of that change. There is only one class in cinema and that’s the class called cinema. 

'Rorschach' is getting rave reviews from everywhere. And the ones who haven’t seen the film are looking forward to watching it. Mammootty also praised the performances of Bindu Panicker, dubbing artiste Sreeja, Sharafudeen, Grace Antony, and Keerikadan Jose aka Babu Raj. He also mentioned how Keerikadan Jose braved physical discomfort to act in the film. 

Meanwhile, Grace Antony who was also present at the function along with Sharafudeen expressed her joy and pride for being associated with such a film. She said just the fact that she is being approached for roles she always wanted to do shows that Malayalam cinema is going in the right direction. “Those who watch only English films thought such films can only happen in Hollywood and look how we are also making such attempts in Malayalam. I am grateful to director Nisam Basheer and Mammukka for their willingness to embrace such changes in Malayalam cinema,” the actress stated. 

“I am playing a character who doesn’t laugh or smile a lot. This is my first film with Mammukka. I am happy to be associated with such a great film which is also a box office winner,” said Sharafudeen. Truth Global Films Chairman Abdul Sathar and George (Mammootty’s personal makeup and producer) also graced the event

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