The teaser of ‘Hunt’, the Telugu remake of super hit Malayalam thriller ‘Mumbai Police’ is out. Sudheer Babu, Bharath Nivas and Sreekant play the lead roles in the movie bankrolled by V Anand Prasad for the banner of Bhavya Creations. In ‘Hunt’, Sudheer would be essaying the character that Prithviraj had played in Malayalam.

‘Mumbai Police’ directed by Rosshan Andrrews was released in 2013. Besides Prithviraj, Jayasurya and Rahman had played pivotal roles in the film. The screenplay was penned by Bobby and Sanjay. Nihal Pillai, Aparna Nair, Captain Raju and Riyas Khan too were part of ensemble cast. Gopi Sundar had composed the music of ‘Mumbai Police’.