Actor Naslen, who rose to fame for performances in movies like 'Thanneer Mathan Dinangal' and 'Home', has filed a complaint with the police alleging that a fake profile has been created in his name. The actor also clarified that the comments posted against the Prime Minister circulating on social media in his name was not posted through his social media handle but by the fake profile.

Naslen, who came live on social media, said he and is family have been hurt and defamed for no fault of theirs and also urged people who resort to such activities to be more considerate to other's feelings.


“I was alerted by my friends about a negative comment made against the Prime Minister that is circulating in my name. I want you all to know that I have nothing to do with such a post and that a fake profile has been created in my name. I am not active on social media and do not have an account on Facebook. The page that I have is handled by another person,” the actor said.

He added that he has filed a complaint at the cyber police station in Kakkanad. “Those who resorted to such a deed should have realised the repercussions that I and family would face. Also, I noticed that a YouTube channel anchor had carried the news vilifying me, without confirming whether it was true. Chetta (elder brother), since you seem to be better versed about the world than me, you should have taken some effort to find out the veracity about the post,” the actor added.

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