Thiruvananthapuram: Shashi Tharoor has urged everyone to watch No Fathers in Kashmir, a film which 'shows the entire experience of ordinary Kashmiris in a deeply sympathetic and profoundly moving way.'

The Congress leader and Thiruvananthapuram MP on Saturday did a quick review of No Fathers in Kashmir after watching it at the 24th edition of the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK).

Here's what Tharoor said about the film, directed by Ashvin Kumar:

“No Fathers in Kashmir is an extraordinary film with a compelling cinematic narrative and perfect casting.

Shashi Tharoor with director Asvin Kumar (L)

And with a deep emotional resonance it's a powerful film that would sway your mind.

In many ways, it's a film that many in India will be troubled by.

“It shows the entire experience of ordinary Kashmiris in a deeply sympathetic and profoundly moving way. I believe our democracy is matured enough to be able to accept this depiction. There could be other points of view, there will be other points of view. But I think for us, as Indians who are concerned about the future of our country and the people of Kashmir it's wonderful to have a film like this that truly humanises the story of ordinary Kashmiris and the challenges they face in their lives as a result of all that has happened over the last 25 years with an effective narrative.

It's also extremely well made. I think we have a mini masterpiece on our hands and I will urge everyone to see it.”


Written by Ashvin Kumar, No Fathers in Kashmir dwells deep into the lives of the people in the politically-sensitive valley through the eyes of two innocent teens – Noor and Majid. The film stars Zara Webb, Ashvin Kumar and Kulbhushan Kharbanda among others.

Ashvin had told a newspaper that No Fathers in Kashmir is a “story of hope and forgiveness, told through the young protagonists.”


Ashvin Kumar, a two time national award-winning filmmaker, is India's youngest Oscar nominee.

Among his filmography is India's only Oscar nominated short film Little Terrorist (2004). He has also directed documentaries Inshallah, Kashmir (2012) and Inshallah Football (2010); feature-length thriller The Forest (2012) and coming-of-age tale Dazed in Doon (2010).


His debut film Road to Ladakh (2004) had Irrfan Khan in the lead role.

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