Popular Tamil actor Vijay Sethupathi, 40, has credited his wife Jessy for his success. The superstar had got hitched at a young age of 23, way before he made his entry into the movies. His wife Jessy's family is originally from Kerala.

The actor stated Jessy supported and encouraged him when he found it difficult to get a breakthrough role in Tamil cinema. He fondly recalled that his wife stood with him without complaining even when he was no one in the industry.


Jessy supported Vijay wholeheartedly as she strived to fulfil his dream of becoming an actor. “I don’t think I would have made this far in the films, had she not supported and encouraged me,” Sethupathi admitted.

Vijay and Jessy had met through common friends. Though born to Malayali parents hailing from Kollam, Jessy was born and brought up in Chennai.


“We became friends even before we saw each other. Jessy too was in Dubai when I was working there. It was through online chatting we became close,” the actor revealed.

However, their families were not happy when the couple informed about the relationship. After much persuasion, their families gave in and gave their nod for the wedding. Vijay also said that Jessy and he saw each other for the first time only on the day of their engagement.


Sethupathi is currently one of the leading stars in Tollywood. He will be next seen in 'Chekka Chivantha Vaanam' directed by veteran filmmaker Mani Ratnam.