SSLC Physics exam: Students who practised previous papers likely to score well

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The question paper of the Kerala SSLC (Secondary School Leaving Certificate – Class 10) Physics exam conducted on Friday was generally easy for students. As many of the questions had appeared in the past exams, students who had gone through previous papers would be able to score well.
There were questions in equal proportion of marks from all the seven chapters in the textbook. Still, there was more number of questions from the following chapters: 1, 3, 5 and 6. Last year, the questions from Chapter 6 – Energy Management – carried few marks. However, this time, there were questions for six marks from this chapter.
Section A, which had one-mark questions, was easy for all the students.
There were five questions in Section B, of which students had to answer four. Each question carried two marks. Among them, the diagram on resistors had been made complicated in some past years by including more than two resistors.
Question 6(a) in Section B on defects of incandescent lamps and Question 6(b) on the reason for using tungsten as the filament of incandescent lamps could be answered by a majority of students.
However, students would lose marks if they failed to notice the positive and negative signs in the questions related to lenses and mirrors in Sections C and D.
Questions 9 and 15 were based on diagrams. Full marks could be scored for Question 9 only if students had studied the diagram thoroughly by drawing it. Similarly, Question 15 could be answered only by students who grasped the diagram.
Of the five questions in Section C – each carrying three marks – from 11 to 15, students were expected to answer four. Among them, Questions 12(b) and 14 were Maths-based. Full marks could be scored only if students correctly answered at least one Maths question. At the same time, the Maths questions 16 and 18(b) in Section D were a repeat from past question papers.
(Information courtesy: Prathyush Thachamoolikkal, Govt Girls VHSS, Nenmara, Palakkad)