Nehru Trophy Boat Race: Controversy over wooden oars

This year's boat race is scheduled for September 28. Photo: Jimmy Kamballur

Alappuzha: A new controversy has erupted in the Nehru Trophy Boat Race regarding the type of oar that should be used in the annual regatta. A few clubs reportedly approached the NTBR Society requesting permission to use wooden oars instead of the traditional oars made using the timber of date palms. The clubs requested the wooden oars, saying they had been practising using them, according to Manorama Online. However, other clubs have protested against this and urged the Society to not allow their demand. The wooden oars are lighter than the one made in date palm timber. Besides, they are long lasting too.

Meanwhile, date palm oars need to be replaced every year. It would cost at Rs 600 to make one date palm oar. This is one of the reasons why some boat clubs have switched to wooden oars. However, the clubs that are protesting say that those who use lighter oars are likely to get an upper hand in the race. So, they demand all the teams to use similar oars. There had been a dispute about the oars, last year too, just before the event when the teams were wrapping up the training camps.

Appeal for holiday
Kerala Snake Boat and Rowers Association president RK Kurup wants the district administration to declare a holiday for the government offices and schools on September 28, when the Nehru Trophy Boat Race takes place. He has already submitted written requests regarding this to the district collector and the district ministers. 

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