Air Kerala to start operations in the first half of next year

Harish Kutty is the new CEO of Air Kerala. Photo: Special Arrangement

Dubai: Air Kerala, conceptualised and conceived by Zettfly Aviation, based in the UAE, took a step closer to reality. Zettfly Aviation representatives announced in Dubai that Harish Kutty has been appointed the company’s chief executive officer, reported Manorama Online. The company hopes to start domestic service using three aircraft by the first half of next year. Meanwhile, it envisages beginning international operations after flying the mandatory domestic routes. Harish Kutty, a veteran with more than three and half decades of experience in the aviation industry, has been associated with well-known airline companies like Air Arabia, Salam Air Spice Jet and Wataniya Air. 

Mr Kutty, the revenue and network planning director at Salam Air, took the company to heights even during the challenging pandemic times. Meanwhile, he adorned significant posts in the startup teams of Air Arabia and Wataniya Airways while playing pivotal roles in the soaring success of these airline companies. Besides, he also worked as chief commercial officer at Spice Jet, commercial director at Wataniya Airways and commercial vice president at RAK Airways.

Meanwhile, Air Kerala authorities said that Harish Kutty would lead the airline company to become one of the leading airlines in India. Zettfly Aviation chairman Afi Ahamed and vice chairman Ayoob Kallada welcomed Mr Kutty to Air Kerala. Harish Kutty said that Air Kerala was the dream of millions of Malayalis residing all over the globe as it represents the unique culture of Kerala. While promising to turn Air Kerala into an airline company relied on by most Malayalis, Mr Kutty remarked that he was accepting the new responsibility with confidence.

Air Kerala to get AOC soon
Air Kerala aims to begin services as soon as it acquires the Air Operation Certificate (AOC). The company has already initiated the processes for that. Meanwhile, the owners hope to make it airborne by next year. Air Kerala’s spokesperson, Safeer Mahamood, also attended the press meeting.

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