The mist-clad Wayanad offers you some amazing photo options. Some scenes play out as you drive through, while others pan out as you go about with your daily life. Our photographer in Wayanad, Rahul R Pattom captured some spectacular moments. **Just a perfect day** A herd of wild elephants crossing the road peacefully is one of the common scenes from Wayanad. See how seamlessly life goes on. **Up up up and down down down** Long long ago, while driving around, my father used to sing us this rhyme 'Here we go up, up, up- And now we go down, down, down- Now we go backward and forward And heigh, for London town, even though we were not anywhere close to London. This road that runs through the border district of Bavali, reminded me of that rhyme. **Do you dare me?** The battle lines were drawn. And when they could not reach an agreement, they fought. Tooth and nail. Sometimes, these wars turn violent too. **Shall I fly now?** Wings spread, this bird is ready to take off. It appeared as if the bird was posing for a snap before it took off. **Our home** These forests are home to herds of Indian elephants. And it is normal for them to come close to the roads, while on their way to the other side of the jungle. **Rare sighting** The boars seldom wander near the places where humans live in Wayanad. This was a rare sighting. **Casting a net** The Kabini river is the heart and soul of the land. A local man casts a net into the shallow waters. **The long road home** A man carrying a log of a tree on his shoulders on his way home. It is a long long walk home. **Is that food, I spy?** For a major part of the day, this beautiful creature floats in the sky. On the lookout for food. Swooping in when something catches its eye. **Home, sweet home** This little squirrel is collecting shoots to build his home.

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