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Thursday, Mar 27, 2025
Baker Sarah Lisa hosts the event in memory of her late husband, Vibin.
Diabetic patients may feel sugar cravings when their blood sugar level plummets.
Though a north Kerala snack, it is available in some of the southern districts too, now.
This sweet hardly tastes like its main ingredient is papaya.
It is usually served with sugar or jaggery.
Thrimaduram, a sweet made with just three ingredients, is served as an offering on the Vijayadashami day.
Khader would pull out a ball of the sticky candy and then turn it into the shapes of butterfly, peacock and spectacles before handing them over to the customer. The candy which is a bit thick and too sweet would slowly melt in your mouth.
Trained chefs can easily handle the rising flame and cook the dish to perfection.
When date palm sap is boiled, the heady fragrance- smoky, wet, and earthy- fills the air.
Why not whip up a storm together in the kitchen, as you and your partner try your hands out on these recipes.
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