Kerala Blasters FC have launched an official KBFC third kit design contest ahead of the Indian Super League (ISL) season. The theme for the design will be an extension of the club’s #SaluteOurHeroes campaign to express gratitude to the frontline workers who have risked their lives for the safety of fellow beings during the COVID-19 pandemic. The kit will be a tribute to the bravehearts.

The contest will be open for submissions from July 17 to 26. The selected design will be chosen as the official third kit of the club for ISL Season 7.  The winner stands to be a part of the official launch event along with the team.

All that a fan needs to do is create a jersey design based on the above mentioned theme and upload the final design on their social media handles using our hashtag #SaluteOurHeroes. The entries also need to be shared via email on in JPEG/PNG/PDF formats. Design guidelines, terms and conditions for the contest are available on our official website 

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