US President Biden extends condolences, praises recovery efforts in Wayanad landslides

US President Joe Biden. Photo: Reuters

Washington: US President Joe Biden expressed his deepest condolences on Thursday on the deadly landslides in Kerala and commended the bravery of the service members and first responders supporting the complex recovery effort.

Around 300 people have died and over 200 others injured in the massive landslides that hit Kerala's Wayanad district on Tuesday, with the numbers expected to rise as rescuers unearth debris.

"Jill and I extend our deepest condolences to all those affected by the deadly landslides in the state of Kerala in India. Our prayers are with the victims of this tragic event, and we mourn with the families who have lost loved ones," Biden said in a statement.

"We commend the bravery of the Indian service members and first responders supporting the complex recovery effort. We will continue to hold the people of India in our thoughts during this difficult time," he said.

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