Kannur: Kerala police successfully apprehended the prime suspect in the Valapattanam theft case, in which Rs 1 crore in cash and 300 sovereigns of gold were stolen from a house. Kannur City Police Commissioner Ajit Kumar confirmed the arrest of the accused, Lijeesh, on Monday, detailing the meticulous investigation that led to the breakthrough.

As part of cracking the case, the probe team analysed at least 115 call detail records (CDRs), reviewed 100 CCTV footage on a 24/7 basis, and examined fingerprints from 76 individuals. Officials also scrutinised 67 criminals with similar methods of operation and questioned a total of 215 people.

The theft occurred at the residence of Ashraf, a wholesale rice trader from Manna, near Valapattanam railway station, while the family was away in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, attending a wedding. They departed for Madurai on November 19 and returned on the evening of November 24, only to find a broken locker with the valuables missing. The accused, a neighbour to Ashraf, gained entry by breaking a rear window, Kumar added.

The First Information Report (FIR) was filed on November 25, following which a 20-member investigation team, led by ACP Ratnakumar, was constituted. Fingerprint experts, a dog squad, and a forensic team were deployed to the crime scene, Ajit Kumar said.

Thirty-five lodges were searched, and a mobile tower dump from Kozhikode to Mangaluru was conducted to find further leads. Past CCTV footage from undetected cases was also revisited, suspecting an experienced criminal's involvement.

A pivotal clue came from CCTV footage at the victim’s residence. The footage captured visuals of a bald man, later identified as Lijeesh. "Lijeesh accidentally tilted one of the CCTV cameras, which ended up recording him inside the house," Kumar said. His fingerprints matched records from a previous housebreaking case in Keecheri. "We began interrogating Lijeesh on Saturday evening, and he confessed to the crime.," he added.


Police recovered Rs 1.21 crore and 267 sovereigns of gold from a hidden safe in the accused’s house. Tools used for the burglary were also seized. The commissioner added that Lijeesh, a welding professional, marshalled his skills to break the window with precision.

The theft, executed on November 20, lasted approximately 20 minutes. Lijeesh wore a mask, carried a bag, and avoided most CCTV cameras. However, while tilting one camera, he inadvertently exposed himself. Additionally, he left behind a tool at the crime scene and returned the next day to retrieve it unsuccessfully.

"Lijeesh will soon be remanded, and police expect to take him into custody for further interrogation," Commissioner said. His familiarity with the victim's house, given his proximity, played a crucial role in planning the burglary.