A harrowing escape: Family caught between floodwaters and wild elephants

Sujatha and Mridula. Photo: Manorama.

Chooralmala: As they sought refuge from a devastating landslide, what awaited them was a herd of wild elephants.
Sujatha's family from Anjishachilayil in Chooralmala faced this terrifying encounter twice on that fateful day. If they turned back, they would be engulfed by floodwaters, and if they moved forward, they risked being attacked by the elephants.

Immobilised by fear and the downpour, the family spent two harrowing hours inside a coffee plantation. Eventually, the elephants left, allowing the family to reach the road without further trouble. Sujatha sustained a hand injury from a floating tree branch, but she and her granddaughter, Mridula, are now safe in a relief camp. The other family members are undergoing treatment for serious injuries.

When the floodwaters crashed down, five people were inside their house: Sujatha, her son Gigeesh, his wife Sujitha, and their children Sooraj and Mridula. The family was asleep when the water rushed in, and it was Gigeesh who heroically dragged each member to safety.

Sujitha suffered a serious spinal injury, Sooraj was hit in the chest, and Gigeesh sustained a head injury from an uprooted tree.

Despite his injury, Gigeesh remained resolute, guiding everyone to safety. As they made their way to the road by torchlight, they encountered the wild elephants. Gigeesh instructed everyone to stay calm and wait silently. They waited until 5 in the morning before finally making their way to safety.

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