MVD updates driving test format, sets limits for officials upon finding extensive irregularities

Representational Image: Manorama/ File

Kottayam: In view of an inspection by the Motor Vehicle Department, which uncovered extensive irregularities in the administration of driving tests, learner's tests, and vehicle fitness tests, authorities have implemented a new ceiling on the number of tests each official can conduct daily.

The inspection revealed that a Motor Vehicle Inspector at the Ponnani Regional Transport Office (RTO) in Malappuram conducted an astonishing 147 driving tests in just five hours, issuing licenses to 100 candidates. Additionally, the inspector conducted fitness tests for 50 vehicles and 38 heavy vehicle license tests in the afternoon. On the same day, the inspector also processed 16 licence renewals.

This raised concerns that it would be impossible for a single official to manage such a large volume of tests in one day without engaging in corruption and irregularities. Consequently, the Transport Commissioner has issued strict directives capping the number of tests an official can conduct in a single day. These guidelines have been communicated to Deputy and Regional Transport Commissioners, as well as Joint Regional Transport Officers.

Revised Guidelines
•Batch drivinglicense tests can only be conducted based on the availability of officials.
•Officials conducting vehicle fitness tests should not conduct driving license tests on the same day.
•Officials conducting Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) driving tests should not conduct Heavy Vehicle driving tests on the same day. On days without fitness tests, Motor Vehicle Inspectors (MVIs) may be assigned to conduct driving tests.

•The maximum number of driving license tests an MVI can conduct per day is limited to 40, which includes 25 first-time applicants, ten re-tests and five candidates scheduled to go abroad for studies
•An MVI conducting Part 1 tests on a track should not conduct more than one test on the track simultaneously. Tests for motorcycles on the ‘8’ track and motor vehicles on the ‘H’ track should not be carriedout simultaneously. The tests on ‘H’ and ‘8’ tracks alsoshould not overlap.
•The official conducting the test should issue the license through the SARATHI portal.

•Officials in the Enforcement Wing should not be assigned driving tests for more than 15 consecutive days. These officials must also perform enforcement duties after conducting tests.
•Regional Transport Officers (RTOs) and Joint RTOs should not conduct driving tests. In unavoidable situations, prior permission from the Transport Commissioner is required.
•The scheduleand timings for driving license tests, fitness certificatedistributions, learner's tests, and heavy license tests should bedecided well in advance and displayed on the office notice board.

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