UDF fell apart after KC(M) exit, party replies to 'Veekshanam' article

The 'Veekshanam' article has invited the KC(M) back to the UDF. Photo: Manorama Online.

Kottayam: Kerala Congress (Mani) launched a broadside against the Congress, saying the UDF has been decimated with the party leaving the Front. The KC(M) was responding to an article in the Congress mouthpiece 'Veekshanam' through the latest edition of its organ 'Pratichaya'.
The 'Veekshanam' article has invited the KC(M) back to the UDF. The KC(M) had severed its three-decade-long association with the UDF in August 2016.

'Pratichaya' said the KC(M) has been going strong and becoming a force that has to be reckoned with despite several people hoping for its end following the death of its former chairman KM Mani. 'Veekshanam', it said, was trying to destroy the KC(M)'s credibility.

The Kerala society will view the 'Veekshanam' article's take on Mani contemptuously. Mani had described the UDF's dishonesty towards him in his autobiography. The UDF ousted KC(M) over a post in a local self-government body. It assumed that the latter would not exist after Mani.
The UDF fell apart after the exit of KC(M). The Kerala Congress (M) became a critical force in fuelling the second Pinarayi government, the KC(M) mouthpiece said.

'Veekshanam' said KC(M) should return to the UDF fold rather than suffocating in the LDF. The article also strongly criticised Jose K Mani.
Meanwhile, Opposition leader VD Satheesan said the UDF had not invited Jose K Mani back to the UDF.

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