Kalpatta: Clear guidelines exist for capturing a wild elephant using tranquiliser shots. However, criticism has been directed at the Forest Department, alleging numerous violations during Mission Thanneer Komban. The alleged faults raised against the Forest Department, along with their explanations, are as follows: 

1: Eyes not covered with a black cloth after tranquiliser shot.
Explanation: In bright sunlight, the eyes are covered with a black cloth, considering the possibility that the wild elephant may quickly wake up from the tranquilised condition. The initial tranquiliser shot was administered to Thanneer Komban around 5.30 pm. It was dark by the time the elephant started getting tranquilised. Then, it was around 9 pm that the elephant stopped moving so that it could be brought under the control of kumki elephants. 

2: Water was not sprinkled to cool the body of the tusker, and the provision for drinking water was also not ensured. Dehydration, exacerbated by standing in the scorching sun, further worsened Thanneer Komban’s condition.
Explanation: Thanneer Komban was naturally cooling itself with the mud and soil of the swamp where it was standing. External water sprinkling is typically reserved for situations where there is a concern that the elephant’s movement may be halted due to heat, or if there is a risk of the elephant becoming weaker due to prolonged sun exposure.

 3: Despite the presence of a veterinary doctor on the spot, the drug was administered by another employee.
Explanation: The primary responsibility of the veterinary doctor is to determine the dosage of the tranquiliser shot after assessing the health and other physical conditions of the elephant. The actual administration of the tranquiliser can be performed by any skilled individual proficient in accurately aiming the shot. 

4: Ignored the serious injuries that could harm the elephant while loading it into the truck.
Explanation: The primary objective was to safely relocate the elephant from the populated area as quickly as possible. 

5: After being tranquilisedat 5.30 pm, Thanneer Komban was loaded into the truck at 10.30 pm.
Explanation: The elephant was successfully loaded into the truck within 45 minutes after being fully brought under control.


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