Thiruvananthapuram: Former Union Minister K V Thomas, who has been appointed the Kerala government's special representative in Delhi, will get an honorarium of Rs 1 lakh per month. The CPM-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) government took the decision regarding the remuneration to the veteran leader on Wednesday as the Cabinet approved the proposal submitted by the finance department.

The Cabinet also gave nod to appoint two assistants, an office attendant and a driver for Thomas. He has his office in the Kerala House in Delhi.


Thomas was appointed to the post in January after he switched allegiance to the CPM after severing his longterm ties with the Congress. The Congress initiated disciplinary action against Thomas after he chose to attend a seminar in connection with the CPM's Party Congress in Kannur violating his party's instruction. He was expelled from Congress after he attended an LDF convention as part of the front's campaign for the Thrikkakara assembly bypoll.

After his appointment as the Kerala government's special representative in the national capital, Thomas had sent a letter to the state government requesting to pay him in honorarium and not any salary. Technically, a salary comprises basic pay, dearness allowance, house rent allowance and other benefits whereas honorarium is a payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge.


If government officials who retired are reappointed to the service, they are usually paid salaries after deducting the pension amount they are entitled to. Since Thomas is getting honorarium, there won't be any hurdle for him in getting the pension for former MPs.