Thiruvananthapuram: E-stamping will come into effect from April 1 for stamp papers of all denominations used for non-judicial purposes.

An order issued by the government has made it mandatory that the sale of stamp papers of denominations up to Rs. 1 lakh should be through authorized stamp vendors. The government has issued guidelines with regard to this. The Registration department informed that necessary changes had been made in the department’s PEARL application. 

Even as e-stamping is being introduced for stamp papers of denominations up to Rs. 1 lakh, the sale of stamp papers stocked at present with the treasuries and vendors in the State, could be carried on for a period of six months from April 1, 2023.

The e-stamping of stamp papers of denominations up to Rs. 1 lakh will be launched at one select sub-registrar office in each of the districts from April 1. It will be launched across the State from May 2, 2023.

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