Actor Mohanlal has moved the High Court challenging a Perumbavoor court ruling dismissing the state government's plea to withdraw proceedings against him for possessing ivory.

Mohanlal has asked the court to consider the state government's decision in his favour. In early 2020, the state government had issued a no objection certificate to withdrawing the case against Mohanlal.


Krishnakumar, who had handed over the ivory to Mohanlal, has also approached the high court.

Mohanlal's petition says he holds the ownership certificate to possess ivory based on which the assistant public prosecutor had issued a petition to dismiss the case.


The actor has maintained that there is no evidence to implicate him under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

Meanwhile, the Judicial First Class Magistrate Court 3, Perumbavoor had dismissed the state's plea on the basis of a PIL against the ownership certificate in Mohanlal's possession.


In 2011, an IT raid at Mohanlal's residence at Thevara had revealed the illegal possession of ivory. The Forest Department had booked the actor under the Wild Life (Protection) Act.