Trichur: The parents of a teenage girl gang-raped at her home at Punnayurkulam in Thrissur district are likely to booked on charges of facilitating the crime.

The police probe revealed that the parents tried to hush up the crime.


The girl, a Plus-Two student, was allegedly gang-raped by the clients of her father who is reportedly a drug-peddler. The incident happened two months ago when she was alone at home.

She told her parents about the crime, but they were reluctant to report to the police.


Local reports say the duo is into drug pushing and were earlier arrested for selling marijuana.

The three accused in the crime used to arrive at the home to buy marijuana. The trio were close to the girl's dad.


As reported earlier the crime came to light the other day after the girl informed her teacher a few days ago at a counselling session at the school and the latter alerted the police. 

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