Kochi: Anandu Vijayan, a 24-year-old Idukki native has won the Rs 12 crore first prize of the Kerala state lottery's Onam Bumper. Ticket No. TB 173964 sold at Vighneswara Lottery Agencies at Ayyappan Kavu in Ernakulam had won the prize.

Anandu who won the Rs 12 crore prize will be richer by Rs. 7.56 crore after 10 % of the prize money gets debited as agency commission and 30 % of it goes as tax.


"In the morning I just joked with friends that I won the first prize. I was really stunned when the results came," Anandu told Manorama.

"I have submitted the ticket to the bank through a familiar bank official. The biggest prize won so far was Rs 5000," Anandu, who works at a temple in Ernakulam, said.


Vighneswara Lottery Agencies is owned by N Ajesh, a native of Peralassery in Kannur.

Rs 1 crore each of the Thiruvonam Bumper's second prize has been won by six persons. While Rs 10 lakh each of the third prize will go to 12 persons.

The Kerala State Lottery had witnessed a windfall gain from ticket sales during the time of pandemic and lockdown. Of the 44.10 lakh tickets printed, 44,09, 980 were sold.

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