Kochi: In a shocking incident, a gang opened fire at a posh beauty parlour at Panampilly Nagar here in broad daylight. Two unidentified people, who came by a bike, opened fire at the parlour around 3.30 pm.

Nobody was injured in the attack though some employees and customers were present at the parlour.


The parlour is run by actor Leena Maria Paul who is accused of defrauding Canara Bank in Chennai to the tune of Rs 19 crore. Leena had received intimidating calls from an unidentified person seeking Rs 25 crore. The caller identified himself as an aide of Mumbai underworld gangster Ravi Pujari. However, the identity of the person has not yet been confirmed.

Leena refused to pay him the amount and it is believed that Saturday's shootout was to intimidate her for not paying the money.


The gang fled the scene son after the crime, but left a note indicating their connection with the gangster. The police have started a probe into the incident.

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