Kottayam: A fancy vehicle registration number was sold for a record price of Rs.8.80 lakh in Kottayam. Achayans Jewellery owner Kudakasseril Tony Varkichan, hailing from Ayarkunnam in the district, romped home with the fancy number KL05 AY 7777 for his newly bought "Kia Carnival" car by spending the amount.

According to the Motor Vehicles Department officials, this is for the first time that a fancy vehicle number was sold for such a huge amount after the advent of the online registration.


Tony Varkichan said that his two other cars had the vehicle registration numbers containing 7777 in it, and he spent such an huge amount for getting the same vehicle number for his new car.

Only two persons took part in the auction. Chingavanam resident Akash P Abraham made a maximum bid of Rs.7.83 lakh during the auction. But Tony finally sealed the bid for Rs.8.3 lakh. While adding the booking amount of Rs.50,000, the total amount spent by Tony went up to Rs.8.8 lakh.

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