Are cross-breed cows and seeds the only things needed in this world? Because of low production, should native cows and traditional seeds be ruthlessly discarded?" Jeejikumar asks, affectionately stroking the Gir cows that rushed from the far end of the vast pasture the moment they saw him. "The current trend of completely forgetting traditional farming methods and local knowledge doesn't seem beneficial. Native knowledge and native cows have great value, now and always. Traditional knowledge can provide solutions to many of today's problems, including lifestyle diseases," says Jeejikumar, who, despite living in Dubai for 38 years and owning three leading companies, has not forgotten his homeland and its traditional knowledge.


He first buys a native cow near Mala, Thrissur, at Eravathur Kunnathottam, for his children to have pure milk. Upon realizing that the first cow wasn't a true native breed, he extensively researched genuine native cows. This developed into a keen interest. He began studying and acquiring Indian native breeds. That interest has culminated in a large enterprise, 'Fortune Gate Dairy Farm,' with around 130 Gir cows. "All native cow breeds have unique qualities. From the beginning, I've been more familiar with Gir cows. Although they are larger, they are very docile if treated with affection. Among native cows, they are also at the forefront of milk production. An average of 12 litres per day can be expected," Jeejikumar says. His goal is to have 50 farms with 30 cows each.


Jeejikumar bought about 40 Gir cows 10 years ago. Their offspring and them together now number 130. 38 of them are currently lactating. The milk is milked after the calves have had their fill. The cows are raised without being tied up and are allowed to roam freely. Perhaps because they live freely, they generally don't have health problems. They come to the shed at specific times for milking and rest. An interesting training method has been implemented to bring all the cows to the shed together; they come rushing to the shed en masse at the sound of a conch. An 18-acre pasture was bought, and a shed with an automatic drinker system was built in the middle. Since two bulls are also raised, breeding happens naturally. To avoid inbreeding, older bulls are replaced with new ones every three years.

Jeejikumar says that native cows should always be in tune with nature, thriving on sunshine, native grass, and hay. Then their milk and dairy products will have special qualities. He says that the growing A2 product market, which includes the milk and dairy products of native cows, is because the world is beginning to recognize this excellence. Jeejikumar is also entering this market.


Food as medicine
Currently, the daily milk production is around 200 liters. All of this is used to make yogurt and ghee (clarified butter). There are machines for pasteurizing milk, refrigeration, making various products, and marketing, along with expert workers to operate them. Jeejikumar says that the medicinal products made from ghee and buttermilk have good demand both domestically and internationally.

The products marketed under the brand name 'Nav Jeevana' have the highest demand for value-added ghee products. A2 ghee, churned traditionally using a wooden churner (kadakol), is sold for 4000 rupees per kilogram. Ghee varieties prepared with Ashwagandha, Brahmi, and Shatavari, command prices exceeding 9000 rupees. Jeejikumar says that the value of ghee increases with age; aged ghee is required to make certain rare medicines. About 3000 kilograms of ghee are stored in earthen pots for aging and long-term preservation.


For a brighter future
Even while doing business in the air conditioning sector, Jeejikumar feels strongly about environmental responsibility. He says his company installs air conditioners in a way that minimizes carbon emissions. This expatriate entrepreneur is also actively involved in palliative care. Jeejikumar reminds us that this world is not just ours and that we have a responsibility to preserve the knowledge and blessings passed down through generations for future generations.
Phone: 9446027777

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