Online education was not a passing phase but "the way ahead", Teresa Jacobs, the executive director of the Learning wing of the International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC), said at the Techspectations Educate 2021,  the fourth edition of Manoramaonline's premier digital summit,  on Saturday. 

She was speaking at a panel discussion on'Immersive Classroom: Experiences with AR/VR & New Age Technology'.


While some of the educators argued that online classes were taking their toll on children despite the possibilities of augmented reality and virtual reality Teresa had a word of assurance for them. 

"On one hand, we have overworked teachers in the online classroom doing hours of teaching and throwing a bit of assessment but on the other, there are ever growing innovative solutions to tackle issues teachers even knew did exist," Teresa said. 


She also said that she was overwhelmed by the ingenuity with which human beings had adapted to the new normal. She said it was high time teachers delved into immersive technology than end up as “mere talking heads”.

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