Food safety while dining out: Here are some smart tips

Be careful to purchase only the amount of food you need at a time. Photo: Shutterstock/Bondar Illia

Most people like to eat hotel food, often driven by busy schedules and a general inclination towards convenience. However, the frequent reports of food poisoning have raised concerns among those who relish hotel cuisine. To ensure the safety of your food, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines:
When purchasing parcelled food:
1) Avoid keeping the food in the parcel for more than one hour.
2) Be careful to purchase only the amount of food you need at a time.
3) Immediately separate cold items (such as mayonnaise, ketchup, and chutney) served with dishes like kuzhimanthi, alfam, shawarma, and shawai from hot food upon receiving the parcel.
4)Refrain from reheating and cooling food more than once.
5) Avoid repeated use of mayonnaise and ketchup stored in the fridge. Things like mayonnaise can easily become contaminated and should be consumed within an hour of purchase.

6) Refrain from consuming food that has been left uncovered.
7) Do not consume any food if it shows signs of spoilage such as unusual taste, smell, colour, or staleness.
Any complaints regarding such issues should be reported to the Food Safety Department.
For the attention of hoteliers:
1) Ensure that the date, time of preparation, and 'use by time' are noted on every packet of parcelled food.
2) Serve food in food-grade containers.

3) Exercise the same level of care in serving the food as in preparing it.
4) Ensure that employees handling food wear gloves, masks, and head caps.
5) See to it that cooks wear overalls and head caps.
6) Avoid direct contact with the food being served.
7) Clean the kitchen before and after cooking, refraining from cleaning during food preparation.
8) Restrict access to the kitchen for individuals with health problems.

9) Employees must obtain a medical certificate every six months.
10) Use only clean water for cooking.
11) Have the water tested once every six months by authorised institutions.
Information courtesy: Jose Lawrence, Assistant Commissioner, Food Security Department, Idukki district.

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