Things to remember while wearing your lucky stone

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The quality of the gemstone that you wear is said to have a major influence on your fortune. This calls for selecting a gem carefully before you start using it. Transparent gems should weigh more than two carats (one carat equals 200 mg and so two carats equals 400 mg) and opaque gems like pearl, red pearl and turquoise need to ideally weigh between 3 and 10 carats.
There is a belief that a connection exists between the body weight of the wearer and the weight of the gem. However, this is not based on scientific facts.
Another misconception is regarding carat. While referring to gold, carat is a measure of purity. But, in connection with gems, carats are only a measure to weigh the stones. In other words, carats do not refer to the purity of gems.
Quality of gemstones
The quality of a gemstone is decided based on its colour, cutting, clarity and the condition in which it was mined.
There are several other myths related to gems which need to be busted. One is that a gem’s influence would wane if the wearer touches a corpse or a death occurs in the family.
In fact, the gem can be worn round the clock. However, it can be taken off for up to one hour a day. A person need not keep away from conjugal relations or eating non-vegetarian food items while wearing a gem. The power of a gemstone will not decrease during lightning, eclipse or in the presence of mobile radiation.
What influences the power of the gemstones are the spectrum colours in sunlight and the rays of the nine planets. A diamond or other gemstone ring can be ideally made with metals like gold, silver, copper or platinum.
While wearing a gem, ensure that it is not covered with dirt. The bottom part of rings and lockets studded with gems should be open. No damage should occur to the gem when a ring is made of it.
In order to establish the originality of a gem, choose a government lab to test it. Another point to remember is that a person should never wear a diamond ring that was used by another. The powers of a gemstone will never be affected as time passes. So, as long as the gemstone itself is not damaged it need not be replaced.
Points to remember while wearing combination gems
Some people wear different gemstones together. But exercise caution. Ruby, yellow sapphire and red pearl belong to friendly planets and can be worn together. Similarly, blue sapphire, diamond and emerald are influenced by friendly planets and make a good combination.
However, garnet stone and cat’s eye have to be worn separately. One belongs to Sun’s group while the other to the Saturn’s group. They should not be combined. For example, emerald and ruby; yellow sapphire and diamond; and pearl and blue sapphire should never go together.
To find out if the gemstone has any defect, seek the services of a trained person or a gemologist. Synthetic gems, original gems dyed in colour, pure gems and heat-treated gems are available in the market. Among them, heat-treated gems and pure gems are effective, according to astrology.
Along with the nine main gems (navaratnas), the minor gems are also found to be beneficial. Astrology says that by wearing gems, a person can strengthen the advantages he or she enjoys as per the horoscope as well as keep away the curses. This would certainly make life better.
Author: R Sanjeev Kumar PGA,
Jyothis Astrological Research Centre, Lulu Apartment, Thycaud P O, Thiruvananthapuram-695014.
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