Spicy chena chips: A crunchy delight for your Onasadya


Move over banana chips – Chena chips (yam chips) are here to steal the spotlight this Onam! With their crispy texture and earthy flavour, these chips offer a refreshing and bold alternative to traditional snacks. Thinly sliced yam fried to perfection in coconut oil and tossed with curry leaves, dried red chillies and a dash of chilli powder, these spicy chena chips are a must-try. Whether you’re looking to spice up your Onam snack spread or simply craving something different, these chips are guaranteed to be a hit!

1/4 piece of elephant foot yam, skin removed
2 cups coconut oil
Salt water
Chilli powder (to taste)
A handful of curry leaves
6 dried red chillies
Slice the yam into thin matchstick-sized pieces and submerge them in water to prevent discolouration
Heat 2 cups of coconut oil in a wok over medium heat
Once the oil is hot, drain the yam pieces and carefully add them to the wok
Fry until they turn a light golden brown
Sprinkle salt water over the frying yam pieces to season them
Remove the fried chips from the oil and drain them on a paper towel to remove excess oil
Sprinkle chilli powder over the chips for extra flavour
In the same oil, fry the curry leaves and dried red chillies until crispy
Mix the fried curry leaves and chillies with the yam chips, and serve immediately.

Enjoy your crispy, flavourful chena chips!

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