Jalapeno and potato dish

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Tired of having regular vegetarian side dishes? Here is the recipe of jalapeno and potato dish to relish with rice or breads.
3 medium size potatoes cut lengthwise
10 slices of jalape±os
1 tsp Black Pepper Powder
2 green chillies slit
2 sprigs of curry leaves
1tsp mustard seeds
6 cloves of garlic sliced
1tsp ginger finely chopped
1/4 tsp Hing/asafoetida
Salt to taste
2tbsp oil
In a frying pan, pour oil. When the oil gets hot, put mustard seeds.
When it splutters, add sliced garlic, ginger and curry leaves.
Sauté till the garlic gets golden brown. Add curry leaves and stir for a minute.
Add the sliced potatoes, salt to taste, green chillies and pepper powder. Stir it well.
Cover and cook on slow fire till potatoes are half-cooked.
Add the jalape±o slices and cook till the potatoes are soft.
Sprinkle Hing on top and serve.
This dish can me served with rice, Chappathi or even porottas.