This simple brinjal or eggplant curry is spicy and tastes amazing with rice. Interestingly, if properly cooked, this curry can be stored up to four days. Here is the recipe for a tasty, Kerala-style eggplant curry.

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500 gm eggplant
2 tbsp turmeric powder
50 gm tamarind
Rock salt as required 
4 dried chillies
20 gm mustard seeds
Curry leaves

Wash the eggplant pieces well to remove the bitterness
Heat coconut oil in a pan
Add the eggplant pieces and the dried chillies
Sauté well
Add the tamarind water and rock salt
Prepare the tempering by spluttering mustard seeds in hot oil
Sauté the chillies and curry leaves
Pour this tempering into the cooked eggplant
Sprinkle roasted and powdered fenugreek and chilli after taking the dish off the flame.

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