This frothy and creamy tea is the latest food sensation, especially in the northern parts of Kerala. The tea made in three layers is visually appealing and tastes great as well. You can easily make it at home with this very simple recipe of Ponnani China tea.

3 tbsp sugar
2 glasses water
2 tbsp tea powder
2 glasses full fat milk


Boil the water and add sugar in it
Meanwhile, boil the milk in another vessel
Keep stirring the milk so that cream doesn't form above it
After the sugar has melted in the boiling water, add the tea powder
When the 2 glasses of tea gets reduced to 1 glass, take it off the heat
After the boiled milk has reduced to 1¾ glasses, keep it aside
Transfer this milk into a huge bowl and beat it using an electric beater until it becomes frothy
Pour half of a serving glass with black tea
Spoon in the milk froth up to the brim 
Now add the milk slowly into it.

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