Chutney is an evergreen combination with classic breakfast dishes like idli and dosa. Chutney powders that are usually made with urad dal powder too are a popular side dish that has many takers. Gooseberry chutney powder is flavoursome and is healthy as well. Here is the very simple recipe of gooseberry chutney powder.

1 cup grated gooseberries
12 dried chillies
1 tbsp cumin seeds
½ tbsp pepper corns
¼ cup yellow gram
¼ cup urad dal
¼ cup sesame seeds
2 sprigs curry leaves
¼ tsp asafoetida powder
Salt as required


Dry the grated gooseberries under the sun
Dry roast the cumin seeds, pepper corns, urad dal and yellow gram in a pan
Keep it aside
Now roast the sesame seeds
After that roast the dried chillies and the curry leaves
Grind the dried gooseberries along with the roasted ingredients in a mixer jar
Mix the gooseberry chutney powder with some coconut oil and serve.  

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