Tricks to make fancy, cafe-style brew at home using instant coffee

Representative image: iStock/baramee2554

Creating cafe-style coffee at home involves a few key techniques and ingredients to replicate the rich flavours and textures you enjoy at your favourite coffee shop.

Here are some tricks to help you achieve this using instant coffee:

1. Use high-quality instant coffee
Choose a premium brand of instant coffee for better flavour and aroma.

2. Use a milk frother
This simple tool can work wonders in elevating your coffee experience. Milk frothers are essential for creating foamy milk for lattes and cappuccinos. It gives the coffee an airy and rich feel. You can also heat milk on the stove and froth it using a whisk or a French press.

Representative image for coffee. Photo: Formatoriginal / Shutterstock

3. Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio
Experiment with the amount of coffee granules to water. Start with the recommended amount and adjust to taste, typically 1-2 teaspoons of coffee per cup.

4. Add a pinch of salt
A tiny pinch of salt can reduce bitterness and enhance the coffee’s natural flavors.

5. Milk or cream
Use warm milk, steamed milk, or a splash of cream to create a richer, creamier texture. Froth the milk if possible to mimic the café experience.

6. Mix in butter or coconut oil
For a creamy, smooth texture, try blending in a small amount of unsalted butter or coconut oil. This technique is similar to making bulletproof coffee.

7. Flavoured syrups
Add sugar, flavoured syrups (like vanilla, caramel, or hazelnut), or a touch of honey for added sweetness and flavour.

8. A dash of spices
Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, or cocoa powder into your coffee for a spiced flavour profile.

Cocoa coffee
Photo: Shutterstock/BarbaraGoreckaPhotography

9. Add a dollop of ice cream
For a treat, add a scoop of vanilla or coffee ice cream to hot instant coffee for a rich, dessert-like beverage.

10. Presentation
Serve your coffee in warmed cups to keep it hot longer. For an extra touch, sprinkle cocoa powder, cinnamon, or nutmeg on top of your frothy milk.

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