Tribal cuisine: Ant chutney

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Special ant chutney, which is a delicacy in the tribal cuisine, is apparently an excellent remedy for diseases like measles and asthma. If you consume this ant chutney continuously for 10 days after you have recovered, the marks on the skin would disappear, people from tribes who consume it claim.
The unique tribal flavours are being introduced at the Gaddika Mela which is held in the premises of Kannur Collectorate. The Mavilan tribal community from Kasargod has prepared this special ant chutney for the exhibition.
The ants are carefully fried in a pan without burning them. These are then transferred to an earthen pot and then mixed with bird eye chillies. Using a ladle made with coconut shell, this mixture is crushed. Grated coconut, turmeric and salt are added and everything is crushed and mixed together. Besides the Mavilar community, the Malavettuvan tribe too prepares this special chutney as a delicacy.